Setup Jenkins

Jenkins can be installed locally. However, quickest method is to use docker image. So, we will follow this approach.


To install a docker image, docker must be installed. Follow Install docker link for this.

Jenkins docker image is available on Docker Hub here.

To use docker-compose, click here

Step 1 : Pull Jenkins docker image

# Pull image from Docker Hub
docker pull jenkins/jenkins

# Verify jenkins image is available locally
docker images

Step 2 : Start container from image that will start Jenkins server

We will start a container using image jenkins/jenkins:latest.
PORT 8080 of container will be published to port 8080 of host machine (-p host_port:container_port). So, jenkins page will be available at localhost:8080.
It will also mount jenkins_home volume in container.

# Docker Run
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins

Step 3 : Get initial admin password

# Read initial admin password from container
docker exec -it <container ID> cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Step 4 : Login to Jenkins Home

  • Open link localhost:8080 in your browser.
  • Enter password retrieved in last step.
  • Login to Jenkins admin portal.
  • You are now all set to use Jenkins.