Docker CLI
Documentation of all docker commands can be found here.
Commands mentioned here may require sudo
as per system configuration.
Download/pull docker images
Docker Hub has pre-built images, which can be pulled. This base image can be used to create custom image, as per our need.
Click here for NodeJS images available on docker hub.
# Pull docker image for nodejs
docker pull node
# Pull nodejs image of specific version
docker pull node:14.4.0
# Pull ubuntu image
docker pull ubuntu
Create custom image using pre-built image
To create a custom image on top of a pre-built image, we need to use Dockerfile (see below example)
FROM node:10.20.1
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
RUN wget
CMD [ "node", "app.js" ]
Now create a file with name “dockerfile” (without any extension) and run docker build
command to create image. Syntax for docker build is:-
docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL
Dockerfile needs to be kept at PATH or GIT REPO, from where image is to be built.
# Build docker image from current directory
docker build --tag node_custom .
# Build docker image from git repo
docker build --tag node_custom
# Build docker image from git repo with code under a subfolder
docker build --tag node_custom <repo_link>#<branch_name>:<folder_name>
List docker images
Images built as per above step can be listed as mentioned below:-
# List docker images
docker images
Get docker images details
# Docker image details
docker image inspect <image_name or id>
Run container from image
From an image, we can start a container and run the application needed.
# Docker run to create a container (npm start example)
docker run -t -i -d node_custom npm start
# Docker run to create a container (ubuntu example)
docker run -t -i -d --name my_ubuntu ubuntu /bin/bash
# Docker run to with port mapping (useful for web apps)
docker run -t -i -d -p host_port:container_port <NodeJS_image>
# Docker run to create a container (ubuntu example) without command, that will use CMD (from dockerfile, specified during image creation) as default command
docker run -t -i -d ubuntu
# Docker run to create a container with environment variables (-e)
docker run --name postgres_image -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test_password -d postgres
# Docker run to create a container with environment variables in a file (--env-file)
# Create a file env_file and add "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test_password" to this file.
docker run --name postgres_image --env-file env_file -d postgres
Options specified above:-
-i is for interactive mode
-d for detached=true (run in background)
-t is used to allocate a tty
If you want the container to be removed automatically upon exit, use --rm
option during docker run. e.g.
# container will be removed upon exit
docker run -t -i -d --rm ubuntu
Create container without starting it
# Docker create container without starting it
docker create -t -i ubuntu
Create image from container
# Docker commit to create a image from container, useful when container is started and modified and we want to same it to an image
docker commit <container ID> <image name/tag>
Start container
# Docker start container
docker start <container name or ID>
Stop container
# Docker start container
docker stop container name or ID
List docker containers
# List docker containers in running state
docker container ls
# List all docker containers
docker container ls -a
# PS command can also be used to list containers
docker ps -a
Get docker container details
# Docker container details
docker container inspect <container name or id>
# We can look for IP address of container using above method. e.g.
docker container inspect <container ID>|python -c 'import sys,json;print (json.load(sys.stdin)[0]["NetworkSettings"]["Networks"]["bridge"]["IPAddress"])'
Connect to a container
# Connect to a container
docker attach <container name or ID>
If container is used for running a web application (like node/jenkins server etc.), we might not be able to attach to it, as bash terminal may not be available. So, we can run exec
command in such case to open a new terminal.
# Open a new terminal to connect to a container
docker exec -it <container ID> bash
Run a command within a container
# Example to read a file within a container
docker exec -it <container ID> cat <file on container>
Copy files between host machine and container
docker cp <source_file> <container_id>:<dest file>
docker cp <container_id>:<source_file> <dest file>
Remove containers
# Remove container
docker rm <container name or ID>
Remove image
# Remove container
docker rmi <Image name or ID>